Professor Denis Burnham
BA (Hons) (UNE); PhD (Monash); FASSA

Specialisation: Speech Perception; Auditory-Visual Speech; Language Development; Infant-Directed Speech; Lexical Tone
Denis Burnham has championed cross-disciplinary and cross-language research and pioneered, especially in Australia, infant speech perception, auditory-visual speech, cross-language speech perception, psycholinguistics of lexical tone, human-machine speech perception and production, and large-scale corpus development. He has collaborations internationally (Thailand, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, UK, Sweden, Denmark, France), and across disciplines (linguists, experimental phoneticians, speech scientists, engineers, computer scientists, roboticists, music psychologists).
Jennifer Green

Specialisation:Verbal arts; Australian Indigenous sign languages; gesture; descriptive linguistics; field methods; lexicography
Jennifer Green is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the School of Languages and Linguistics at the University of Melbourne. Her research interests include verbal arts, Australian Indigenous sign languages, gesture, descriptive linguistics, field methods and lexicography. For over 30 years she has collaborated with Indigenous people in Central Australia on projects documenting spoken and signed languages, cultural history, and visual arts. Her doctoral research on sand stories pioneered methods for the recording and analysis of multimodal narrative practices. Her current project is investigating diversity in Indigenous sign languages across Central and Northern Australia.